Haunted House - Is a Ghost Haunting my house?
How to work out if your home is haunted

Haunting. An often taboo subject people won't discuss from fear of ridicule or embarrassment. Yet many people have experienced lights flickering, doors slamming, or creaking floorboards in the early hours, for no apparent reason
Leading Sydney Paranormal expert and ghost tour guide Daniel Phillips said many people worried their homes were haunted.
“Believing a house is haunted can cause all kinds of stress, not to mention decreasing your property’s value” said Mr Phillips
“Many people, laying in their beds often suspect ghostly activity, as these experiences can be so creepy. Every sound, shadow, creak and groan can feel like a ghost is haunting your house” He said
“But most Ghosts are simply people without bodies”
These are some of the things that can indicate that your home might be haunted
Mr Phillips said if you suspect your home has a resident ghost, you should do the following
1. “Start ruling out all of the logical things first”. In many inner suburbs of places like Sydney Australia, electrical wiring in some houses, can be over 100 years old. Drafts could be moving windows and doors. Floorboards and stairs can creak, when the temperature and humidity change. “Most of the time, something like a family of possums taking residence in the roof will be the culprit” he said. " A haunting is a very rare thing, so don't be in a hurry to assume that is the case, without some serious checking first."
2. “If something strange keeps happening in your home that defies rational explaination, keep a diary and record what, when and where it happens. Something that on its own does not seem to make sense may become obvious if a time pattern takes place”. Like when your next neighbour’s tom cat is put out at night, and he is taking a short cut to visit his girlfriend, for example. “ These two steps alone should rule out about 98% of any potential concerns,”
3. After ruling out all of the logical, rational explanations, it is time to do some research. Talk to the previous owners or long term neighbours. Check the internet and make a date in the local history section of your library. There may be a history associated with your home, which the real estate agent selling it to you, may have conveniently forgotten to mention.
4. “If you have not yet solved the puzzle yet, it is time to record what is going on with cameras and sound equipment”. Having a record of what is happening will help you or an expert get to the bottom of it in the light of day. If you need to go to this length, you may want to check out this page on paranormal investigations, as there are tips on what equipment you will need, and how to use them effectively. Look also at our page "What is a ghost?" for more information
5. If you still have not found an earthly explaination yet, and still suspect a ghostly presence, now based on experience and evidence – make friends with it!“ Ghosts are just people without bodies. If you treat them that way with a positive attitude, they cannot and will not hurt you. More importantly, though, by accepting that you have a really interesting home, this will allow you to have peace of mind.”
Leading Sydney Paranormal expert and ghost tour guide Daniel Phillips said many people worried their homes were haunted.
“Believing a house is haunted can cause all kinds of stress, not to mention decreasing your property’s value” said Mr Phillips
“Many people, laying in their beds often suspect ghostly activity, as these experiences can be so creepy. Every sound, shadow, creak and groan can feel like a ghost is haunting your house” He said
“But most Ghosts are simply people without bodies”
These are some of the things that can indicate that your home might be haunted
- Unexplained noises - .
- Doors, cabinets and cupboards opening and closing -
- Lights turning off and on - s.
- Items disappearing and reappearing - .
- Unexplained shadows - the sighting of fleeting shapes and shadows, usually seen out of the corner of the eye.
- Strange animal behavior - a dog, cat or other pet starts to behave strangely. Dogs may bark at something unseen, cower without apparent reason, or refuse to enter a room . Cats may seem to be "watching" something cross a room. Animals have sharper senses than humans, and some believe their psychic abilities are more refined / less filtered by the opinions of others, than humans.
- Feelings of being watched -
- Mild psychokinetic phenomena - hearing a door open or close is one thing. Actually seeing it happen is quite another. Doors and windows are locked or unlocked. Some people report that when they are in bed they can feel and/or hear something sitting on the bed.
- Feelings of being touched - the feeling of being watched is one thing. Actually feeling like you are being touched is quite another. Some people report feeling something brush past them, touching their hair or "a hand" on the shoulder. Some feel a gentle poke, push or nudge.
- Cries and whispers - sometimes muffled voices, whispering and crying can be heard. Hearing music from some unknown source. People hear their names being said. This phenomenon, as is true for being touched, gains more credibility if more than one person experiences the same thing at the same time.
- Cold or hot spots - cold spots are classic haunting symptoms. Any instance of a noticeable variance in temperature without an identifiable cause, could be evidence.
- Unexplained smells - the distinct fragrance of a perfume or cologne that you do not have in your house. This phenomenon comes and goes without any apparent cause and may accompany other phenomena, such as shadows, voices or psychokinetic phenomena. Foul odors can happen in the same way. Tarella, the mansion on our Lower North Shore Ghost tour, is famous for the smells of expensive cigars, and very elaborate french cooking coming out of the building in the early hours of the morning, when no one is on the premises and the alarm is turned on...
- Moving or levitating objects (severe psychokinetic phenomena) - objects moving without apparent reason.
- Physical assault - scratches, slaps and hard shoves.
- Other physical evidence - unexplained writing on paper or walls; handprints and footprints.
- Apparitions - physical manifestation of a spirit or entity. These phenomena are also very rare and can take many forms: human-shaped mists or forming mists of some indistinguishable shape; transparent human forms that disappear quickly; and most rarely, human forms that look as real and solid as any living person, but that disappear into a room or even while being viewed.
Mr Phillips said if you suspect your home has a resident ghost, you should do the following
1. “Start ruling out all of the logical things first”. In many inner suburbs of places like Sydney Australia, electrical wiring in some houses, can be over 100 years old. Drafts could be moving windows and doors. Floorboards and stairs can creak, when the temperature and humidity change. “Most of the time, something like a family of possums taking residence in the roof will be the culprit” he said. " A haunting is a very rare thing, so don't be in a hurry to assume that is the case, without some serious checking first."
2. “If something strange keeps happening in your home that defies rational explaination, keep a diary and record what, when and where it happens. Something that on its own does not seem to make sense may become obvious if a time pattern takes place”. Like when your next neighbour’s tom cat is put out at night, and he is taking a short cut to visit his girlfriend, for example. “ These two steps alone should rule out about 98% of any potential concerns,”
3. After ruling out all of the logical, rational explanations, it is time to do some research. Talk to the previous owners or long term neighbours. Check the internet and make a date in the local history section of your library. There may be a history associated with your home, which the real estate agent selling it to you, may have conveniently forgotten to mention.
4. “If you have not yet solved the puzzle yet, it is time to record what is going on with cameras and sound equipment”. Having a record of what is happening will help you or an expert get to the bottom of it in the light of day. If you need to go to this length, you may want to check out this page on paranormal investigations, as there are tips on what equipment you will need, and how to use them effectively. Look also at our page "What is a ghost?" for more information
5. If you still have not found an earthly explaination yet, and still suspect a ghostly presence, now based on experience and evidence – make friends with it!“ Ghosts are just people without bodies. If you treat them that way with a positive attitude, they cannot and will not hurt you. More importantly, though, by accepting that you have a really interesting home, this will allow you to have peace of mind.”